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UnitedHealthcare Rhody Health Partners 찾아보기 도구

의료 서비스 제공자 찾기

Use this tool to search our network of health care providers for specialists, hospitals, laboratories, X-ray centers and more.

Remember, your primary care provider makes referrals to other health care providers for you. 또한 전문의를 방문할 경우 가입자 자격을 확인하고 ID 카드를 제시해야 합니다.

제공자 검색

의료 서비스 제공자 주소록

These directories list the names and addresses of health care professionals and facilities within this health plan. You can save these directories to your computer or print it. If you would like a paper copy of the directory, please call Member Services at 1-800-587-5187 (TTY 711). 

저희는 귀하의 건강과 복지를 개선하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 가입자들은 전문 행동 건강 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다. 여기에는 정신 건강이 포함되며 약물 사용 치료도 포함될 수 있습니다. 보장되는 서비스는 자격에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 

진료 제공자, 진료소 및 치료소를 검색해 보십시오.

의약품 찾기

Your benefits include prescription drug coverage. The prescription drugs UnitedHealthcare Community Plan covers are listed in your formulary, or Preferred Drug List (PDL).

A 로드아일랜드 law was passed that requires all RIte Care, Rhody Health Partners and Rhody Health Partners ACA Adult Expansion members to use generic drugs first . The supply is limited to 30 calendar days except for those drugs listed on the 90 day supply drug list document posted below.

Generic and brand-name drugs have the same ingredients. Generic drugs may cost less than brand-name drugs, but both work the same way. Some generic drugs require prior authorization by UnitedHealthcare Community Plan. Your doctor has to get a prior authorization before you can get these drugs.

Search for drugs covered by UnitedHealthcare Rhody Health Partners

우선 사용 의약품 목록(PDL)

Over the Counter Medication List

가입자의 직접 약국 환급 양식

약국 찾기

You may fill your prescription at any in network pharmacy. Use this tool to search for a UnitedHealthcare network pharmacy.

약국 검색

자세히 알아보기

UnitedHealthcare Rhody Health Partners

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