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UnitedHealthcare Community Plan 가입 방법

www.tn.gov/tenncare/members-applicants.html TennCare Medicaid is for Tennesseans who are eligible for a Medicaid program. You can apply anytime for TennCare Medicaid.

There are two (2) kinds of TennCare:

• TennCare Medicaid and
• TennCare Standard

To be eligible for TennCare as a new applicant, you must qualify for TennCare Medicaid. 
TennCare Connect staff can answer your questions and explain how to qualify.
They can also tell you what information they'll need from you to help them decide if you're eligible.

If you think you might be eligible or have questions, call TennCare Connect at

Please visit https://www.tn.gov/tenncare/members-applicants.html for more information.

자세히 알아보기

Medicaid Managed Care

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